Selling Guide

This guide will help you over five easy selling steps. I intend to keep you trouble-free throughout.

Home evaluation

Address your home with its net worth and duly amend the flaws on time such as wear and tear(if any) or other problems that can lower your home’s worth. Do a few modifications that can augment your home’s appeal. You can give it fresh paint, good lighting inside and out, and spruce up the lawn. Take and look around, and you find that some of them can be handled on your own. You can declutter your house to improve its appeal.

You can also take a leap on some significant problems such as air conditioning, heating, plumbing, or ventilation systems. Getting it fixed will eventually ameliorate your property’s worth.


I will provide you the insider information to help you set up a fair price for your home. It is important to set a good balance between your home’s worth and the price you demand. Asking for the too-high price will leave it swinging in the market for months. On the other hand, if you keep your price low, you might miss the potential for a more profitable outcome.

While setting a price, you need to consider the following:

  • What you have in your home
  • What’s the competition
  • What your office says about its worth
  • Consider Locality’s worth as a buyer is always willing to look for the surroundings and its worth.
  • The latest real estate marketing status and trends
  • Buyer’s perception of your property’s condition

Compare with the market price.

Always go for a comprehensive approach when flashing your property’s net worth.

  • Prepare a budget and set up a selling deadline
  • Take professional photos and videos of your house
  • Get your home featured in the “Coming Soon” program just like movie premiers
  • Either you can launch a social media campaign, or I can assist you with the simplified home selling process.

Prospect Matching

I can sell your home before the given deadline. Through my prospect matching program, I keep sending emails to clients or customers as per their requirements. My selling process is simple and reliable. It includes all the paperwork as per Canada Real Estate Association(CREA). There come instances that lead to negotiations. I believe in full disclosure of the facts to yield the best outcomes.

Deal Closing

I will take care of the buyer’s perspective associated with deal closing. I will let you know about the potential buyers’ interests and negotiations before closing the deal.  

If you haven’t find the information you have been looking for, you can ask here.

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